Here are our top app updates over the last month for iOS and Android.
The Walla app has become the preferred method for clients to browse, book, and buy from their mobile devices. So how are we modernizing and optimizing their app experience—encouraging them to make purchases in real-time with up-to-date studio offerings and easy-to-edit account details?
In our most recent product release for the Walla app, here are some top changes, features, and functionality for iOS and Android.
Account balance: Client can view their account balance in their profile under Your Wallet
Refunds: Refunds are now shown and included under individual client transactions in the app
Plan status: Plans and packages will be labeled as active, paused, canceled, migrated, pending, completed, or failed payment so clients understand the status of their membership
Waitlist place, cancelation, and prompts:
Class schedule view: All classes for a day are shown in a clean, bookable layout
Livestream on studio schedule: If a class does not have a livestream offering, that option will not appear or be grayed out
Software system notifications: When the Walla platform is down, clients will be notified on the home screen of the app so they are aware of the issue
Free class billing information: For drop-in classes costing $0, a credit card will not be required to book
Current plan details: If a client looks at their Plan Details in the app, it will also include location, start time, current period (date and time), next period, and expiration date
Instructor information: An instructor's full name and photo will appear correctly on the class schedule
Class level: If a level is selected when setting up a class, it will be shown in the class details on the app
Cash payment: The payment confirmation screen will show if a client purchased a class using cash
App announcement destinations: Published app announcements with a URL/link will send clients to the intended destination
Credits: Remaining number of credits viewable in the app
Custom calendar view: Clients can personalize how they want to view your studio schedule in their app
The Walla App is available in the Apple Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
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