3 Reasons Why Wellhub Can Consistently Impact Studio Revenue
3 Reasons Why Wellhub Can Consistently Impact Studio Revenue

3 Reasons Why Wellhub Can Consistently Impact Studio Revenue

Easily earn more while getting into the corporate wellness space!

Corporate Wellness dollars continue to be one of the hottest topics in boutique fitness. Who wouldn't want new clients motivated by work perks to attend classes? Most studios are hungry to get a piece of the seemingly endless corporate pie but need help to build relationships and know where to start when contacting local companies and partners in the space. 

Wellhub is a solution that Walla took particular interest in after seeing the partnership and success stories that studios worldwide have shared—like our client, Yoga Loft, in Manhattan Beach, CA! After starting in South America and quickly growing globally, Wellhub made its way to the United States and is starting to make waves in many major metros.

It’s no secret that businesses are focused on the importance of health and are increasingly investing in initiatives that prioritize the wellness of their workforce. So, how is Wellhub the one to bring those folks to your classes? Here are the top three reasons why we say to give it a go (and it integrates seamlessly with your studio and our software!)

More visibility: Be a part of an expansive network

Wellhub opens the doors to a vast network of businesses that encourages employees to access a diverse range of classes. I promise you want to be part of this community. Wellhub uses a personalized strategy to spotlight your studio to people who might be interested in your classes based on preferences and fitness goals. This is an ideal way for people to find you at the exact moment they are looking for the solution you offer, increasing the likelihood of booking and conversions.  

Clientele differentiator: It’s a great alternative to Classpass

Unlike ClassPass, Wellhub strongly emphasizes corporate wellness programs, which bring a totally different clientele into your purview. Wellhub collaborates closely with businesses that actually pay for their employees to take classes, offering greater flexibility regarding membership options. Users can choose from various plans based on their individual needs, whether they require access to multiple studios, want to focus on a particular type of activity, or prefer a more general fitness approach. And Wellhub pays you more for every visit! 

New audience: You don’t have to fight for conversions

Sure, you may end up with some new members due to your Wellhub partnership, but that’s not the point. Most people who will take advantage of Wellhub are doing so because their employer is paying. A win-win. It’s a fantastic opportunity to reach clients who otherwise might not have heard of your studio or been able to afford your services. Best of all—you don’t have to spend money marketing to find them; if they love your studio experience, they are bound to share that with their friends! 

Wellhub stands out as a powerful tool to capture the audience you are probably missing today. Plus, with its convenient solutions (like being paid for by the employer), inclusive programs, and proven positive impact on employee engagement, Wellhub offers an unparalleled opportunity for studios to tap into the ever-growing corporate wellness market. By embracing Gympass, studios can position themselves as key players in promoting employee well-being, fostering a healthier workforce, and reaping the benefits of increased corporate partnerships. It sounds like a no-brainer to us! 

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